Our Story


Sitting in my office, my sanctuary, after 3 full days of shifting my perspective from sharing “my story” to sharing “our story.”  Our story is a story of Divine presence, of God, of the magic of the Universe.  It’s a story of a deep and real relationship and friendship with the “invisible” world, the spirit world, with God.  It’s knowing yourself so well that you open up to receive answers from beyond.  It’s knowing with complete faith that when you don’t have an answer that all you have to do is ask a question and be open to receiving.  It’s seeing the Divine in everything, everywhere.  It’s knowing the Universe is loving and EVERY experience in your life comes to you as a gift for your greatest expansion, to change your perception so you can see more love and open up your capacity to give and receive more love.  Sometimes these experiences come as a jolt to shake you awake out of your nightmare, and sometimes they come with ease and flow, gently expanding your awareness of love- either way it ALWAYS comes with love.

When I shifted on Wednesday to Our Story, I immediately became aware of my friendship with the Divine and like we were looking as at old photo album or a high school yearbook, I was flooded with memories in my life when God was clearly there and also some memories of when I wasn’t sure God was there.  I have now been assured God was with me in those moments as well.  And just like old friends, we laughed that I could ever think God wasn’t there with me and we cried about when my heart overflowed with joy in the moments God answered my prayers in such a way that God’s presence was undeniable.  And all of these experiences have formed our relationship in this lifetime.  I’m positive it is only a continuation from many lifetimes that enables me to push through and cast aside my doubt EVERY time and deepen my faith.  Even in the darkest hours of my greatest doubt, I still call out to God to show and reveal the Divine to me!

For the past 3 days we’ve been reminiscing, laughing, crying, and strengthening our relationship.  I don’t come here to share this story of Our relationship to boast or with a “see what I can do” attitude, but to genuinely show you that you too can have a personal relationship, even friendship, with the Divine!  The more you read my stories and see how and when the Divine showed up in my life, it is my wish for you that you can begin and continue to accept the Divine showing up in yours.  It is my hope that these stories will deepen your faith and help you reflect on your life, especially those moments when you felt all alone that you can now see God was with you, in those moments when you cried out for an answer that you now know the Divine answered you, and in the moments when you had your greatest doubt that God was right by your side with every ounce of faith that this was the moment you would see through your doubt and grow your faith. 

In your darkest hour God still keeps the candle burning for you, only sometimes you have to turn around to see it.  Even when you think all Hell has broken loose, Heaven is just around the bend.  Even when you’re being beaten, raped, or killed, God is with you.  God is with both the victim and the attacker.  And in other lifetimes, you were the attacker.  You get the choice to play out these roles in order to have an opportunity to experience more love.  God is always with you, cheering you on, cheering for Love to win, celebrating you that today will be the day you open your eyes to see more love, more of God, more of the infinite generosity of the Universe, and more of the magic in your everyday life.

These past 3 days I’ve become so aware of the ease in my connection to the Divine, my intuition, my Higher Self, and my spirit guides.  It has been over the course of the past year (perhaps even my lifetime) of working with and helping people plug back in and connect with the Divine that I see it is rare to have this much faith and connection.  I’ve realized in the midst of despair in friend’s lives that I can be the source of Divine connection until they can cut through their doubt to have unwavering faith, can trust that still, small voice within, and can develop their own friendship with God.

This post begins a series of posts of Our Story…stay tuned!

Lucy Pritchett