Our Story: Asking Questions


It was my sophomore year of college.  It must have been cold outside still because I sat in the pool area both for warmth and to drown out noise.  Also, I have a sense of comfort at a pool because I grew up in the water.  Since I had a longer break between classes, I’d come here to read.  It was my first time reading Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, and I was amazed by the story.  I could hardly put it down, but that day I did because I had a question.  This wasn’t a question I could just ask anyone; this was before everyone had a cell phone, and it surely wasn’t a question I could ask Siri.  Uncertain when I began trusting this process, but I took a sheet of paper and a pen and wrote down the question I had.  Immediately, I wrote the next words that came into my head; these words answered my question.  In that moment, I connected to the Divine in order to receive the answer.  We began chatting, God and me.  While I was sitting there considering the answer and wondering what my next question would be, I was deep in contemplative thought.  It was at this time that my roommate walked by the window and waved.  When I got home later that night, she told me I looked “so peaceful.”  I didn’t tell her what I’d been doing, but I knew why- I was feeling, connecting, and communicating with the Divine.

And, so, I find myself requesting guidance again.  I’ve felt back and forth, in just 1 week , from almost full, constant connection to very disconnected.  I am fearful and hesitant to share my story, Our Story, because I’m unsure how people will react.  Because I’ve learned to trust and follow my intuition, I’ve been asking myself all week how to work through my fearful beliefs and hesitation.  This morning before I could write the above story, I began with a conversation with God by writing my questions and receiving the answers       (answers are in italics):

Why can’t I connect?

Stop trying to connect with yourself and connect with Me.  There is nothing you need to protect yourself from for all that is here is Me.  Others have simply forgotten; they are  playing a game of hide and seek with me, playing the role of Peter.  Sharing will allow them to re-member with me.

Why is this my job, my responsibility?

It’s not; it’s your pleasure. For every ONE you bring home to me, home to themselves, every ONE you help to remember even just 1%, you exponentially expand- your connection grows, our relationship is enhanced, and life, all of life, is seen and realized as magic. This is not only your gift, but your core- who you are.  You cannot not do this.

What happens when I’m rejected?

Then I AM rejected.  But I can’t actually be rejected.  It is impossible.  I AM all that is here.  
This world is set up so you can play and imagine through experience that I am not here. 
I AM all that is here.

Lucy Pritchett