I see you. I hear you. I understand. No, you are not crazy. You are sensitive.
But is being sensitive a gift or a curse?
You often feel overwhelmed and stuck. When you think you’re having a great day, you suddenly yell at your kids, get snarky with your significant other, or lash out at a co-worker. Or you’re happy, having fun, and you get hit like a brick wall with sadness, anxiety, or depression. What a crazy rollercoaster! Why can’t life be easier? Why do you have to feel so much?
This workshop will shed light on all these questions. You’ll get tools that will protect you from all the energies! You’ll fill your toolbox with ways to get you out of overwhelm quickly. You’ll learn how to turn your deep feelings and intuitive abilities on or off, like having a light switch at your fingertips. You can stop feeling out of control, so you can start helping others without exhausting yourself!
The tools in this workshop will give you more energy, help you sleep better, feel supported, and have relationships that are more loving, playful, and fun!
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